Jeff Parthree

Mobile-First Web Development

I aim to create accessible, responsive websites using robust, semantic HTML5, and clean, lightweight CSS3 (Grid) specifications.

I am seeking employment in a web development environment. I am able to work independently as well as collaboratively, and look forward to expanding my knowledge and skills by working with dynamic individuals.

Penn State York Campus Map

Example image of website

I developed the campus map as part of my internship at Penn State York. It supplements the previous print map and provides information for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to the campus.


The map uses the Mapbox API, JavaScript, and the OpenStreetMap project to render an interactive map. I used Mapbox Studio, Overpass Turbo (exporting .geoJSON files) and Maki Icons to customize the map.

Penn State York Student Fees

Example image of website

The Penn State York Student Activity Fee and Student Facilities Fee web applications are used to accept proposals for the allocation of funds generated by student fees. These websites were in need of updates as there were SQL injection vulnerabilities.


I took the opportunity to rewrite the HTML and CSS markup, using new CSS Grid standards, while reworking the PHP with PDO syntax.


Example image of website

The reminder application was developed internally for the C&IS department at Penn State York. The interface allows users to create and view a schedule of recurring reminders (with the option to create non-recurring reminders). The cron job sends an email to each reminder's recipients on the scheduled day/date.


MySQL databases and PHP are used to check for reminders each day. This application was built on the Skeleton boilerplate (